Child Care Subsidy Calculator

Changes to the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) – what do they mean for me?

As many of you are aware, changes have been made to the Child Care Subsidy also known as CCS.

If your family combined income is under $530, 000 chances are your percentage has changed or you may now actually be eligible to receive a subsidy.

Families earning up to $80,000 can get an increased maximum amount from 85% – 90%.

If your combined family income is more than $80 000, your subsidy starts at 90% and decreases by 1% for every $5000 you earn over this amount. This will see you either eligible for more subsidy or not having any change to your subsidy.

If you are already receiving CCS and your child or children are enrolled at a child care centre, this will update automatically.

If you aren’t, jump on the calculator below and see what this means to you.

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